Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCain only wishes to discuss Iraq on his terms

This is a pretty telling piece of footage from this past week, when John McCain appeared on Wolf Blitzer's show to discuss Iraq. Blitzer takes him to task for his support of a war (that should never have happened, a fact Blitzer alludes to [Bravo, Wolf]), and McCain, like the good GOP-trained robot, reverts to the Republican boilerplate about Hussein having chemical weapons production capability, and blah, blah, blah.

I'll certainly concede a little bit that Obama may not have been completely right about the Troop Surge, but he sure was right about being against the war from the beginning. What's more, despite McCain's rhetoric, I strongly feel that the last chapters on the Surge have yet to be written. McCain's haughty arrogance on TV that the Surge is "working" and that we are going to see our way to "victory" smacks me as about as dumb as Bush's Mission Accomplished. I firmly don't believe that we can ever achieve what most would call a "victory" in Iraq. But, we can spend hundreds of billions more, while simultaneously killing thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Wow, some victory that will be, God only knows how many more years down the road. Any victory we achieve will surely be pyrrhic.

Iraq certainly is an important issue, and despite what some media outlets are claiming, not every American is bored or uninterested in what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's just that we have bigger worries right now, like how to pay for mortgages and gas bills (and soon, heating bills).

However, with candidate McCain, we are going to get 100 more days of all-Iraq, all the time, because neither McCain nor his advisers know squat about getting us out of the economic mess we are in.

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