We need him, to restore what's been lost

There are many who believe that our standing doesn't matter. I'm certainly not one of them. From getting Osama bin Laden, trade, global warming and treaties to fostering relationships with allies and at least having a dialogue with our enemies, our standing and resolve matter. We cannot and must not elect someone who will give us four more years of mostly the same failed policies, and I do believe that is precisely what John McCain represents.
A great example is the speech that Obama gave a few days ago in Berlin. It was notably apolitical - it wasn't a campaign swing or a "premature victory lap," as McCain characterized it. Not once did Obama mention the words "Bush" or of "McCain." (This contrasts pretty sharply to President Bush all but calling Obama an appeaser in front of the Knesset in Israel a few months ago. Where was the Dixie Chicks outrage? I'm still waiting.) Instead, Obama delivered a stirring and impassioned speech about the challenges we face, how we've overcome them in the past, and how if we work together we can overcome present and future ones, too.
All I hear from McCain is Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, and how much of a genius he is that the Surge is currently working. What's more, his supposed "expertise" in foreign affairs is a total sham, every bit as much as Rudy 9iu1ian1's supposed "expertise" in foreign affairs. Every time McCain opens his mouth, something incorrect comes out of it - he mistakes Iraq for Afghanistan, his time lines are all wrong, and he loves to rewrite history, banking on the fact that many in America have the political attention span of about three days.
Here's hoping that voters this time won't be fooled by a clever PR effort, circa Bush in 2000, and especially in 2004. We simply cannot afford this on so many fronts.
I found this on via Firedoglake - words of eloquence by Obama during his overseas trip. After eight years of Bush's asinine, scripted comments, this is welcome indeed...

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Labels: Barack Obama, Barack Obama Berlin Speech, Barack Obama Foreign Policy
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