McCain/Lieberman '08? Mac doesn't dare

I've been reading lots and lots of stories and speculation that McSame is about to pick Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Don't believe it.
McCain has already taken great pains to court the conservative vote, and among the far right he is still viewed with a fair amount of skepticism. If he were to pick Lieberman, he would be doing nothing to further blunt that skepticism.
However, it's official - turncoat Joe will now speak at the Republican National Convention, official becoming this year's Zell Miller. What a difference eight years makes. I guess in a way I'm rooting for McCain to select Lieberman, because I could exorcise my demons of having voted for Lieberman in 2000 by voting against him now. (And it would also serve to steel my resolve to volunteer for the Obama campaign and to work that much harder in seeing McCain get defeated.)
Well, we won't have to wait much longer to see if we are all going to be treated to the John and Joe Warmonger Show this fall.
Labels: 2008 Republican National Convention, Joe Lieberman, John McCain
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