Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

McCain's greatest hits gaffes

Talking Points Memo has put together an early edition of McCain's greatest hits on the campaign trail, and it's more than worth the five minutes to watch it - it's pretty hilarious.

My personal favorite lines in the vid above:

"...the Iraq-Pakistan border..."

"I will conduct a dispirited, er, spirited debate. Now it will be a forceful debate. I'm a proud conservative liber... Republican... conservative Republican! Hell-o! Easy there!" (How many Freudian slips can you have in one sentence?!?)

"If you want to pay more taxes, then I'm not your guy - Senator Obama is your man. Ah-heh-heh-heh." (That creepy laugh and smile always gives ME a good laugh - see another great example below.)

"Tell 'em to come back and git to work!" (He's referring to Congress, which is currently in recess [and yes, they shouldn't be], and how legislators should return to Capitol Hill to work on an energy policy. However, it's more than amusing that the presidential candidate who has missed more votes than any other presidential candidate since he declared his candidacy would implore Congress to "git to work." I guess he forgot that he's actually a U.S. Senator with responsibilities to his constituents.)

However, I can't believe TPM didn't include this one...

Anyway, it's still a pretty good round-up. I highly recommend you subscribe to TPM's videos on YouTube - they rarely disappoint. Do it by clicking Here.

By the time Nov. 4 gets here, there should be enough fodder for at least two more of these five-minute videos about McCain's gaffes. Let's just hope we don't have to endure four years of his incessant, gaffe-prone babbling. McCain looks and acts like Reagan late in his second term, and he's running for his first.

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