Weekend Cartoons
Lots and lots to get to today and later on this evening, so I'll make this edition of weekend cartoons a little bit shorter than usual. On to the comics - hope you're enjoying the beautiful day if you're in the Philly area.
One of President's Bush's principle weaknesses, according to Ron Suskind's new book (that I'm currently reading), is that he judges world leaders like Putin according to "instinct" or his "gut feeling." I would certainly agree. The last time I checked, President Bush 1. Doesn't had a psychology degree, and 2. Even if he did, he took pride in his academic mediocrity.

John Edwards is a special kind of dirt bag, just as many politicians were before him. (I've spent a lot of time criticizing scum bags like Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Rush Limbaugh, and the laundry list of other GOP adulterers, so Edwards deserves the same level of criticism.) However, it takes a special level of scumminess to cheat on your wife as she's suffering from cancer. I seldom say this, but perhaps GOP talking heads like Limbaugh were more right than wrong about Edwards. Hell, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The right-wing spin machine certainly tried to make a lot of hay about Obama's comment last week that people should make sure their tires are properly inflated to save a little bit on gas. And McCain pathetically tried to paint it as Obama's energy policy. Arrrrrrnt! Wrong again, McLame. For one thing, the Department of Energy and AAA agree that it will help your mileage - between one and two miles per gallon on average, if you have your tires inflated to manufacture specs. And Senator McDrilly thinks massive new drilling will lower prices and save us money? Wrong again. This is another issue that warrants a separate post - coming soon. These distortions are in the same vein with Bush's Social Security, global warming and stem cell proposals - totally off base, and in many cases, wildly inaccurate.

The jealousy emanating from McCain about Obama's press makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over - the differences between the two are very stark, and one of the biggest is their charisma, or lack of it.

China is just another example of Bush openly supporting a country with dictatorial practices, but yet he condemns other governments when it's politically convenient for him to do so. I guess it's a good thing for North Korea that their isn't any significant amounts of our oil under their soil.
Above is another inconvenient truth that our corporate media all-too-conveniently ignores. Anything that doesn't fit the American ideal, unless it's much too blatant to ignore, is simply brushed aside at worst or underreported at best.

Last night we watched Phelps win his 8th gold, and it was awfully sweet to see. He's one amazing competitor, and best of all, he's a class act.

Freakin' airlines - let 'em all go bankrupt - I couldn't care less. Hey, someone will offer flights if they all go out of business. I sure as hell won't support more governmental bailouts of corporations, and with an Obama administration, we likely won't see any. Last week, it was widely reported that 3/4 of the corporations based in America don't pay any taxes. And McCain wants to lower the corporate tax rate, all the while keeping free-trade policies? Tragically, he doesn't appear to be kidding. (Not to mention the skyrocketing deficit, currently at about $10 trillion.)
Brett Favre a Jet - I'm lovin' it - he's out of the NFC. Boo hoo for the Packers, but the team did what it had to do - as painful as it was. He never should have decided so quickly after last season to retire. If he had given it some time, he more than likely would still be in a Packer uni getting ready for the season.
An Obama administration will begin to adequately deal with global warming, and end the endless obfuscations and distortions of the Bush administration regarding this issue that affects us all. The debate really will be over once we get a president who doesn't have corporate interests and donors who all but demand that our president willfully ignore the science that's evident to impartial scientists.
This is another topic that is getting scant attention in our media, but certainly should. With the world population skyrocketing, it isn't going to get any better, anytime soon.

See Above.

No explanation needed.


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