Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is how far we have fallen under Bush

It's pretty bad when world leaders won't even shake the hand of the President of our country, but that's exactly what happened at the G20 summit. In the video above, our lame-duck president walks in front of a parade of world leaders without shaking or being asked to shake any of their hands. Whether he was rejected by the world leaders or he was doing the rejecting (insert Dana Perino press conference here), CNN's Rick Sanchez probably put it best: Bush looks like "the most unpopular kid in high school that nobody liked."

At least in 60 days, we will have a breath of fresh air. Things are going to remain bad for a long, long time, but at least we'll have a competent leader at the controls, one who can perhaps reach out to allies and get some cooperation in the global fight to pull us out of the world-wide economic slowdown. God only knows that countries aren't lining up to help us now with Bush at the helm.

Video via HuffPo


Blogger The_Libertarian_Tree said...

Crawford misses their village idiot. Time for Junior to run home to Daddy, he'll take care of everything.

Thu Nov 20, 07:56:00 PM PST  

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