Welcome to my boycott list, Home Depot

"If a retailer has not gotten involved with this, if he has not spent money on this election, if he has not sent money to Norm Coleman and these other guys," Mr. Marcus said, apparently referring to Republican senators facing tough re-election fights, then those retailers "should be shot; should be thrown out of their goddamn jobs."No, Bernie, (at right) what I'm not doing it shopping in your goddamn store.

To put it into context, Marcus was asked a question about the proposed Employee Free Choice Act, which will make it much easier for employees to join unions. Home Depot has a strong anti-union reputation, and the fear mongering has started now that we'll have a Democratically controlled Congress in January. The new Congress will almost certainly pass the EFCA, and Obama will certainly sign it into law. And that has Marcus in a twist.
Tough. Unions have been getting the shaft for too long in this country, and it's high time we brought them back. We should be making it easier for employees to join a union if they want, not more difficult, which is what millionaires like Marcus want.
Yes, I know that Marcus is retired, but he no doubt still owns a significant amount of the company's stock, and I'm not in the mood to line his pockets after reading these comments.
By the way, I'm loving it that a Lowe's is right across the street from Home Depot in South Philly, so I don't even have to drive any further to get stuff for our condo. Thanks, Lowe's!
Labels: Bernie Marcus, Boycott List, Employee Free Choice Act, Home Depot, Lowe's
I don't think government should be involved with unions, as they shouldn't be involved in a lot of things. Once places like Wal-Mart are required by law to allow them, watch their "everyday low prices" go up the roof. Unions aren't all good, they're like the mafia, only they exist in the workplace and intimidate their employers into submission by threatening strikes whenever they don't get their way. If people don't like working somewhere, they should just quit, but that's just my opinion. I'm all for freedom of association, but a business has a right to fire anybody it deems harmful to their profits.
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