Obviously, not everyone loves the HC bill
I haven't posted any Tom Tomorrow cartoons in a long time (esp. considering that I'm just getting back to blogging after a long layoff), but I almost always consider his biting, sardonic spot on, and his latest 2 comics are no exception. Click on both images for larger views...
I sort of agree with TT here, and it's disturbing to read in the New York Times that Obama cut a deal so early with some health care industry leaders, but it's pretty difficult to play armchair quarterback about some of these deals. Some might not like it (and often I don't), but deal making is how things get done in our nation's capitol, like it or not. I love how the right-wing media has been a broken record lately about some of the deals that have been made, complete with titles for them, i.e. - the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase," etc. AS IF no Republicans ever made deals to get bills passed in Congress.
What's real poisoning the pool in Washington is money. Until the day comes when a president and his/her party decides to effectively disinfect the system from money, lobbyists and hopefully even public financing of our elections, the song(s) will largely remain the same.
This is yet another reason why Evangelical Christians and conservatives drive me nuts. Texas, a state that's about as "Red" as it gets, recently adopted textbooks that make no mention of Thomas Jefferson, (Jefferson!) as well as stating that the Earth is 6,000 years old. The latter fact flies in the face of just about all scientific evidence available.
I like the fact that TT touches on global warming in the cartoon above, too- because of some leaked e-mails that were an embarrassment to the environmental movement, now all of a sudden global warming is this cooked up hoax by liberals and tree huggers the world over. I've written it many times before and I'll write it again- even if the threat of GW turns out to be overblown (and we most likely won't know until it's too late, unless we act now), what's the risk? Air that's too clean? Water that's too drinkable? Rivers that are too full? Some proposed solutions to combating global warming are so maddeningly simple that it defies logic why we aren't adopting them. But, you don't have to look very far for an answer - MONEY! Mountains and mountains of cash, both for fossil fuel companies and the politicians they own, from BOTH parties. I'll have much more on GW in the coming days and weeks.

What's real poisoning the pool in Washington is money. Until the day comes when a president and his/her party decides to effectively disinfect the system from money, lobbyists and hopefully even public financing of our elections, the song(s) will largely remain the same.

I like the fact that TT touches on global warming in the cartoon above, too- because of some leaked e-mails that were an embarrassment to the environmental movement, now all of a sudden global warming is this cooked up hoax by liberals and tree huggers the world over. I've written it many times before and I'll write it again- even if the threat of GW turns out to be overblown (and we most likely won't know until it's too late, unless we act now), what's the risk? Air that's too clean? Water that's too drinkable? Rivers that are too full? Some proposed solutions to combating global warming are so maddeningly simple that it defies logic why we aren't adopting them. But, you don't have to look very far for an answer - MONEY! Mountains and mountains of cash, both for fossil fuel companies and the politicians they own, from BOTH parties. I'll have much more on GW in the coming days and weeks.
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