Why not get a prescription?

What's worse, I'm sure he'll get a pass, because he's, well, Rush Limbaugh. I wonder what would have happened to any common man or woman if they were caught with all of the Oxy that Rush had, and now with another prescription that isn't his? Forget the humor that it's Viagra - it's still a 'script that isn't his. His excuse? "They weren't for me." Um, yea, sure - doesn't just about every person caught with drugs say that? And not only that, but how stupid is this guy? He's got all the money in the world, and he's bringin' drugs back from the Dominican Republic? Why? To save a few bucks? Hey, his financial affairs and decisions are none of my business, but it's everyone's business if this dick gets out of these charges... again.
Perhaps he could send someone else to get his drugs. His housekeeper, perhaps? Wait, he tried that one already.
My favorite part of this whole story is his explanation and half-baked joke on his radio program. "I bought them in the Clinton Library gift shop!" he deadpanned. Dude, the '90s are over, and the Clinton jokes should be, too. Hey, pretty soon it will be 2008, and you'll have another Democratic Presidential Nominee to slander.
Labels: Drug Addiction, Rush Limbaugh
my my....what colorful language you put in your blog. Your Mom must be so proud. I really have enjoyed your blog. You must be a very educated person..but did you take English in school. You resort to such juvenile language. I guess you must have a little GOP inside since you resort to "SHOCK AND AWE" with your verbage. C'mon..rise above the vernacular of the common folk (which I am one by the way) and dazzle me with your wit and rationalization. Me...I'm not that smart. I would be reduced to "Oh Yeah?"
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