Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

More pranks, from my favorite radio host

Since I'm on the prank phone call kick, I thought I'd bring you a few more. I'm a huge fan of Howard Stern, and have been for nearly 20 years. The reason why is simple - anyone who can make me smile and laugh on the way to work (WORK!) has got to be acknowledged as a major talent.

The brilliant thing about Howard is that he'll make you laugh in one breath, and outrage you in the next.

If you're good at reading between the lines, he's actually got some good political points to make on his show, too, if you can tolerate burps, farts and strippers. His show is better than ever on Sirius Satellite Radio.

I unearthed the above footage of Stuttering John, who became a famous intern on Stern's show because of his tendency to stutter in nervous situations. (The premise was celebrities would be more reluctant to turn down an interview from someone with a stuttering problem.) John is now "John Melendez" on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.

The footage above is, I believe, from Stern's old Channel 9 show. Howard isn't much to look at, that's for sure. Yiiikes. Styles sure do change over time.

Anyway, the footage above is Stuttering John asking nonsensical questions to celebrities, such as Helen Gurly Brown, Jackie Mason and Imelda Marcos. The part where he asks Marcos if she would fart and blame it on the dog is classic.

This is Stuttering John interviewing Roy Scheider. Good stuff.

This is footage of Stern getting into one of his legendary fights with his producer, Gary Dell'Abate "Bababooey" for not having a tape ready when he wanted it.

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