Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Surprise! Faux News reports faux news

Yesterday I found one of the funniest stories I've read in a long time. Evidently, Fox News has been busted for reporting fake news. I know how hard that is to believe, but yes, Fox News actually reports things that aren't true.

The network picked up a story from a Website called Associated Content, a parody site in the spirit of The Onion.

The site spoofed a real story about students leaving a slice of ham next to a group of Somalian Muslim middle school students. The story was picked up by the mainstream media, and Associated Content did a spoof on it (click Here).

Some genius at Fox thought the spoof was the real story, and the network reported it that way.

Think Progress has the rest of the story.

You gotta love Fox - putting the faux in faux news since 1996.


Logo from Faux News Channel

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