Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Malkin made a fool of... again

I know, I know - Malkin and fool is a double negative, but for a moment, you must indulge a grammatical suspension of disbelief.

God, I love the Internet. I know I'm showing my age by writing that, but it really hasn't been around that long. I'm the last generation that will ever be able to say I remember when there wasn't an Internet, which will no doubt bring groans from the younger crust. So be it.

But, try as they might, some people, no matter how smart they think they are, simply haven't yet mastered the Internet, nor realized its power to embarrass. This is especially sweet when it happens to the sanctimonious and righteous indignant -- enter Michelle Malkin. One of my favorite new blogs, Sadly, No! delivered a well-deserved beat-down earlier today to the right's latest screeching xenophobe. Just days after she screeched about a Dunkin' Donuts ad that had Rachel Ray wearing a scarf, she's been busted. (Incidentally, only someone with a whole bunch of time on her hands would interpret said scarf as being a symbol of terrorism.) Anyway, the nerve of Malkin, even touching the cloth of hate (above), after pressuring Dunkin' Donuts to pull its Rachel Ray ad, is just too stunning to contemplate!

Then again, I guess when you're a purveyor of misinformation on the right, you don't have much else to drone on about these days, since the last time there was good news in Republican circles was when President Bush landed on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln in his Halloween costume, and we know how long that good news lasted.

For those of you who missed it (and hopefully, anyone reading this blog did just that), here is the beginning of Malkin's rant on Wednesday about the Dunkin' Donuts ad:
The keffiyeh kerfuffle
By Michelle Malkin • May 28, 2008 09:38 AM

My syndicated column today examines the keffiyeh kerfuffle with Dunkin' Donuts and Rachael Ray that I noted on the blog last week. As you'll recall, I linked to an item by LGF's Charles Johnson about the scarf she wore in a recent Dunkin' ad. Keffiyeh chic has been covered on this site and at Hot Air extensively (see here, here, and here). Anti-American fashion designers abroad and at home have mainstreamed and adapted the scarves as generic pro-Palestinian jihad or anti-war statements. Yet many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones.
First of all, anyone who uses the word kerfuffle should automatically have his or her literary credentials called into question, or revoked.

Secondly, I remember a time not so long ago when conservatives used to rail against political correctness. Wait, they actually still do. (See Bill O'Lielly's War on Christmas for the best example.) However, maybe it's time we realize that conservatives have taken up political correctness and certainly bastardized it from its original, noble goals to advance their own causes - blatant nationalism, making the rich richer, the dramatic minimization of our government (consequences be damned), etc. In other words, whenever an individual, group or entity like Dunkin' Donuts doesn't conform to the right's world view, it's... Attack! Attack! Attack! Probably the most prominent example of the GOP's use of PC came when the Dixie Chicks dared to speak out against Our National Embarrassment while touring in England. Of course, Bush said at the time that the Dixies were free to say what they want, but that didn't stop morons like Malkin, O'Reilly and Ann Coulter from frothing at the mouth. And, it didn't go unnoticed that the same people who howled in protest about the band criticizing the president while "on foreign soil" swallowed their tongues when Bush made a disgrace of himself in Israel while calling Barack Obama, in so many words, an appeaser.

The only thing more outrageous than the right's use of PC to advance their own, hate-filled, obnoxiously belligerent brand of nationalism is that Dunkin' Donuts has given these imbeciles a template - people like Malkin on the right are no doubt encouraged and motivated that a major corporation would cave to their stupid, intolerant demands.

It's enough to make me to go Wawa for my next donut.

h/t Sadly, No! for the top two pictures

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