One down, one to go

I'm not even sure what to make of the whole Abramoff Scandal anymore; it's one of the biggest influence peddling scandals ever to hit Washington. On one hand, I hope that everyone who is guilty is brought to justice, Democrat or Republican, but on the other hand, can Abramoff really be trusted? It's hard to say.

OJ is another matter altogether. We aren't talking about corrupt politicians - we're talking about two dead people. I don't know who to detest more, OJ for writing a book, If I Did It; or Fox for giving this human scum the publicity he craves. I urge everyone to not only not buy the book, but to not watch the interview.
I don't know who to feel sadder for - the Goldman family or OJ's children, all of whom have to be subjected to this latest indignation. It's a gut-wrenching, heart-breaking outrage.
Someday, this murdering sonofabitch will get what's coming to him - let's just be sure it isn't in the form of a fat paycheck for writing a book or giving an interview. Of course I'm interested in reading and hearing what a murderer has to say, but I'm not lining his pockets to find out.
Labels: Jack Abramoff, OJ Simpson
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