TMW: The Politics of Resentment

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This week's This Modern World is a spot-on assessment of where Republicans stand regarding the building resentment (and dare I say it, fear) about our rapidly crumbling economy. Things are indeed growing dire by the day with our economic system, and seeing John McCain, Sarah Palin and [GASP!] President Bush on TV saying "We are taking measures to stabilize the economy" inspires NO confidence whatsoever. In fact, it makes me more fearful than ever that the worst rube to ever occupy the White House has his hands on the controls for a little over four more months. Bush's management of the economy is akin to a crazy psychotic with a baseball bat loose in a China shop, who with a crazed look on his face, screams, "What can I possibly fuck up next?!?" while wildly swinging away. The ONLY fun part about all of this is anticipating how just about everyone with an "R" behind his or her name will try to pin this on the Democrats; it will make for some fun yet tragic listening.
Speaking of This Modern World, Tom Tomorrow's blog is always a must-read, and yesterday he offered this nugget:
Certainly would be a good time to have some of the $500 billion plus we've spent on the Iraq war.Ya think? Great point - it makes the War in Iraq appear even more asinine, tragic and unnecessary than it already does to everyone but the most rabid Republicans.
I'll add this to TT's thought - Obama ought to put out a new ad with images of our smirking, war-criminal president in the background, with the a little music by The Police with the lyrics "I'll always be king of pain...," followed by the staggering economic numbers that are flowing from Washington to Wall Street.
Yea, I think that would work.
Lots more a bit later today - it's grading day for me - I have about 100 speeches to grade over the next few days, but I promise to find at least a few hours later on today to comment and post about so much that has been going on in the last few weeks. I've got video, pictures, and loads to say, so please stop back.
Labels: 2008 Economic Crisis, 2008 Presidential Race, Barack Obama, John McCain, President Bush, Sarah Palin, The Police, This Modern World, Tom Tomorrow
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